Margrit Linder

The lace maker

The lace maker

2022/2023 Exhibition in the Strohmuseum im Park, Wohlen.


Neu aufgespult, Spitzenklöppeln und Gegenwartskunst im Dialog.
with 6 artists.
One part was shown in Steckborn Haus zur Glocke and the other part in Wohlen, Strohmuseum im Park.

Intervention in a historical room of the National Museum of Switzerland, Zürich, 2004/2005


Bobbin lace making is a very meditative process. While the lace maker is working following certain patterns in front of her, the sound of the bobbins carries her thoughts away. She is thinking of breaking out, of leaving her ordinary life. She is torn between staying and leaving by her longing for a change. In the installation I make her thoughts visible with words on the pattern sheet. The pattern sheet is behind glass in a golden frame in front of her. The thoughts are worked into the lace. The longing becomes her work. I recorded the sound of the bobbins. As one approaches the room one is following the sound and finally stands in front of the work table.

Words on paper, framed 33x27cm, sound
Installation view in the Swiss National Museum, Zürich